Use SunSmart Green for all crops which are naturally shade loving:
Ferns, Hostas, Hellebores, Laurels, Ilex, Camellias, Violets, Rhododendrons etc. and any other plants whose natural habitat is shade or semi shade. The spectrum of light inside a SunSmart Green Tunnel is designed to be very close to the spectrum of light you would expect to see under a forest canopy. This means that whilst the tunnel is well shaded, this doesn't make plants leggy and drawn as they would be under a white film. pricing
All prices exclude works and VAT
Minimum order 5 metres Cutting charge 5-10 metres + £20 Cutting charge 11-19 metres + £10 Deliveries to UK Mainland up to 50 metres - £10 Deliveries to UK Mainland up to 80 metres - £15 Delivery over 81 metres please call us to discuss carriage costs Free delivery for orders of over £1,500 (exc. VAT) to one UK address |
* average along and across the roll
** approx. 413kg per metre width |